What does it mean to donate a birthday book?

You are donating to the de Portola PTA, and they purchase a book for the de Portola Library. Book selections are made in collaboration with the school librarian based upon library needs.

  • A label with your child’s name and school year will be placed inside the front cover of the book honoring their birthday donation.
  • During your student’s birthday (or 1/2 birthday) month, they will get to be the first student to check out the book!
  • Their name will be added to the Birthday Club Banner in the Multi Purpose Room.

During your student’s birthday month, your student will be presented with their birthday book during library time.


The book will then be checked out and enjoyed by students of de Portola Elementary for years to come.

Birthday Club letters will go home the month of your child’s birthday or half birthday.*

You can sign up HERE 




Thank you for supporting de Portola’s library in such a special way! de Portola PTA is a 501(c)3 non-profit and all donations are tax deductible. Speak to your tax professional for details.

If you have any question or would like more details please email: Casey Calkins at casey.karin@gmail.com.
